Essential Oils For Your First Aid Kit
When you think about being prepared for any situation, chances are, your First Aid Kit is one of the first things that come to mind. Bandaids, gauze pads, disposable gloved, and tweezers are all good things. However, did you know that essential oils are “essential” items in a first aid situation? Essential oils have countless uses beyond every day health maintenance.
Today I will share a few extra items that I have added to my personal First Aid Kit and I’m so glad to have these items on hand when I need them.
This is the perfect time to pull out your First Aid Kit, take an assessment of what you already have, and write a list of the items you need to add. After reading this blog, if you realize you need help ordering some essential oils or need to narrow down the best ones for you and your family’s needs, get in touch with me. Call me at 833-357-5777 or email me at and I’d love to help you complete your First Aid Kit.
In this blog I will share my best tips on how to use the top 30 essential oils when you need a quick fix. These tips are ones that I have personal experience with, or know family and friends who have utilized these home remedies. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years by people all around the world. They are the oldest form of medicine known to mankind. Thousands of remedies are found in ancient writings by the Egyptians, Romans, Indians, Chinese medical journals and more. There are over 500 references to essential oils in the Holy Bible. The wise men gave Jesus Christ Frankincense and Myrrh because they were regarded as gifts for a king in that time period.
Today we have access to over 150 single plant oils and even more blends. There is no end to their uses, and researchers continue to discover new uses for essential oils. To do more of your own research, go to and search for the name of any essential oil. This is the best way to find medical studies and is way better than a google search.
*Please note that the recommendations listed are not intended to prescribe, diagnose, or cure. I am not a medical doctor. Please consult your physician if you need serious medical help.
Let’s get started . . .
Master Your Attitude
No matter how serious the situation, the first thing you must keep in check is your attitude and emotions. In moments of shock, trauma, and pain it’s easy to respond out of emotion. Whether you have a personal situation or you’re assisting someone else, it is paramount to remain calm rather than escalating the situation by freaking out.
Take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. Then assess the situation calmly.
Here’s a few of my favorite essential oils for emotional support. I recommend first inhaling an essential oil, then applying it topically as needed.
Stress Away ~ stress, situational anxiety, feeling overwhelmed
Lavender Vitality ~ relaxing, calming, sleep support
Orange Vitality ~ situational stress, sooths trauma-induced emotional triggers, uplifts emotions
Citrus Fresh™ Vitality ~ uplifting, encouraging, mental focus
Lemon Vitality ~ uplifting
Peppermint ~ mental alertness & focus, helps calm nausea
Northern Lights Black Spruce ~ balancing & grounding, helps release emotional blocks
Frankincense Vitality ~ grounding, anti-depressant, mental focus and memory
EndoFlex™ Vitality ~ supports Endocrine System and Adrenals which can be overworked and suppressed in times of stress
Copaiba Vitality ~ anxiety
Sacred Mountain* ~ strengthening & empowering, grounding, protection from negative emotions
On a personal note, I never leave the house without my essential oils. I keep them in my purse, gym bag, side door of the car (when it’s not too hot outside), First Aid Kit, and who knows where else. I can’t image going a day without using an essential oil. I use oils in my skincare and haircare regiment, add a few drops to my bath water, inhale them throughout the day, apply them topically as needed, add 1-3 drops of Vitality oil to an empty capsule and take as a dietary supplement, add vitality oils to my cooking. There are countless ways to safely and effectively utilize essential oils in your every day routine! This is why I’m so passionate about sharing my knowledge so that you too can understand their value.
Essential Oils In Your First Aid Kit
Now let’s get into some essential oils that you will want to have as part of your First Aid Kit.
Storage: One of the best ways to store oils is in a padded case like the one that comes with the Select 30 Essential Oil Collection. It’s a hard case with a foam insert that the oil bottles easily fit into.
Usage: As you will see, I am giving a list of oils and their general uses. Due to restrictions from the FDA it is very hard to put into writing what each oil does and exactly how to use it aromatically, topically, or internally. Please feel free to contact me for tips on exact usage. You can also purchase the Essential Oils The On The Go Field Reference as a great guide that gives specific uses. This is my main go-to book. It also comes in a larger version that has a vast array of natural health tips.
Single Oils vs Blends: As you will see, I mention many single oils such as lavender and peppermint. Oftentimes these single oils are very beneficial when used on their own, or layered with one or two other single oils. Using a blend of oils can be very beneficial when using it for the specific thing it was created for. Think of using a blend of oil as being a more targeted application for a specific job, whereas a single oil may have many many uses.
Pain/Discomfort ~ Deep Relief, PanAway
Muscles ~ Eucalyptus Globulus & Marjoram* (muscle soothing), Frankincense Vitality (muscle relaxing), Northern Lights Black Spruce & Lavender Vitality (muscle spasm)
Strained Ligaments ~ Lemongrass Vitality
Sciatica ~ Northern Lights Black Spruce
Inflammation ~ Copaiba Vitality, Lemongrass Vitality, Peppermint Vitality, Cinnamon Bark Vitality
Disinfectant ~ Clove Vitality, Purification, Melrose
Sore Throat ~ Thieves Vitality, Copaiba Vitality, R.C.
Cleansing ~ Grapefruit Vitality (It will make you pee)
Fungus ~ Melrose, Tea Tree
Cough, Sinuses, Allergies ~ R.C. (R.C. stands for respiratory comfort), Raven*, blend of Lavender Vitality & Lemon Vitality & Peppermint Vitality
Teeth ~ Clove Vitality (tooth/gum infection, teething child with sore gums), Thieves Vitality
Now that I’ve covered the basics, feel free to keep reading to discover some very specific, targeted uses for essential oils and other Young Living products.
Occasional Pain
Pain is just not an enjoyable feeling. Pain anywhere in your body signals to the brain that something is wrong. Pain should never be ignored because there is always a root problem. Using an essential oil topically on or near an area of pain has a very soothing effect when applied regularly. Unlike a prescription medication that you may be able to take once and its effects last for 8 hours, an essential oil is best when applied in small amounts more regularly, or as needed. Applying regularly will assist the body in its normal healing process and have a faster response over time. Just 1-3 drops applied topically can do a lot of good.
Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream*
Cool Azul Sports Gel*
When it comes to inflammation, here’s a helpful acronym to remember.
PRICE: Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
In addition to the PRICE protocol, there are several specific essential oils and products from Young Living that can be very beneficial additions to the healing process.
Deep Relief
Peppermint Vitality
Cinnamon Bark Vitality
Eucalyptus Globulus
Tea Tree
Frankincense Vitality
Purification (inflammation due to bug bite, wasp or bee sting)
Strained Ligaments
Our bones, muscles and joints work together in a coordinated way to move our body and give it stability. Tendons and ligaments play an important role here, too. Tendons connect muscles to bones, allowing us to move, and ligaments help to hold things in place. Ligaments are made out of connective tissue that has a lot of strong collagen fibers in it. Ligaments often connect two bones together, particularly in the joints: Like strong, firmly attached straps or ropes, they stabilize the joint or hold the ends of two bones together. This ensures that the bones in the joint don’t twist too much or move too far apart and become dislocated.
Having a strained or torn ligament can be very painful and takes time to heal, along with the proper amount of rest.
Lemongrass essential oil is known to help this healing process when applied topically on location.
Cough & Ear Ouch
For that nagging cough, try applying one of these topically. For best results, use frequently.
Thieves, Thieves Vitality
Thieves Cough Drops*
Thieves Chest Rub*
When I get stuffy, the sniffles comes on, or my throat is sore, I do something at least every 4 hours. Example: I will rub 3 drops of Thieves on each foot and suck on a cough drop. Then 4 hours later I do 4 drops of Thieves down my spine and use the Thieves Chest Rub on my chest. Then 4 hours later I repeat or do a different variation. I also take 1-2 drops of Thieves Vitality in an ounce of water and gargle with it or add it to a spoon of honey and suck on. ~ Elizabeth Rose
For an ear ache, these two blends can be helpful when applied topically. NEVER drip oils directly into the ear. Try 1-2 drops of oil on your finger and lightly apply behind the ear or on the ear lobes. You can also put 1-3 drops of oil on a cotton ball and insert in the ear and leave overnight or during the day. be sure to not stick it too far in to where it hurts or you can’t easily get it out.
Respiratory Health
The respiratory system effects so many aspects of our well-being, from oxygen absorption to filtering out toxins we inhale. Because of what is in the air we breath and the chemicals we come into contact with, the respiratory system is oftentimes on overdrive and we don't even know it. For this reason, you may with to use the respiratory supportive oils on a daily/weekly basis as prevention.
Application: Simply put a few drops of an oil or blend in the palm of your hand. Then rub on chest and neck area. While you still have a little oil left in the palm of your hand, rub hands to gather and cup them over your nose. Inhale deeply for as long as desired.
Eucalyptus Globulus ~ gets rid of mucus/opens lungs & nose
R.C ~ stands for “respiratory comfort”
Frankincense Vitality
Tea Tree
Fun In The Sun
There are few things less enjoyable than being sunburned on day two of a beach vacation. Thankfully, you don’t need to waist money on chemical-laden sunscreen from the convenience store that could do more damage to your skin than good.
Think of the SPF labeling on sunscreen like this. If it says SPF 10, then you can stay out in the sun 10% of the time longer than you normally would without getting too much sun exposure. If you generally stay in the sun for an hour before getting a little pink or can feel the effects, then you can stay out another 10 minutes. If you use SPF 50 then you can stay out for a full hour and a half.
Mineral Sunscreen Lotion* ~ SPF 10 or 50
Lavaderm Cooling Mist* ~ Spritz over skin before, during or after time in the sun for a refreshing and soothing effect
Lavaderm After Sun Spray* ~ Spritz and rub over areas that have gotten a bit too much sun exposure for a cooling, soothing effect
Lavender ~ known to sooth burns (such as touching a hot stovetop) as well as sunburns
When it comes to pesky little bugs, or pesky big bug, you can confidently keep them far away. If you’re someone who doesn’t like all the chemicals in the store-bought bug spray, I don’t blame you! Anything you put on your skin topically will soak in to the layers of your skin and eventually get into all the other organs. For children, this is especially detrimental to their development.
There are several essential oils and products from Young Living that can now replace anything you’d buy at the store. Plus, if you do encounter a critter that leaves it’s mark, Purification comes to the rescue.
Citronella ~ diffuse on your porch or outdoors area to keep bugs away
Insect Repellent* ~ apply topically for a long lasting, bug-free time enjoying the outdoors
Insect Repellent Wipes* ~ simply wipe over exposed areas of skin, and it works well for dogs and horses
Purification ~ apply 1 drops to a bug bite for a soothing effect
You might agree that some individuals naturally have a little too much energy, and others not enough. In times of prolonged stress the body will always be thankful for a little pick-me-up. Here are a few favorite to support and enhance the body’s natural energy.
Peppermint Vitality
Grapefruit Vitality
Lemon Vitality
Stay Hydrated
Adding vitality essential oils to a glass of water has many benefits. Keep in mind that plastic will absorb the taste and smell of essential oil, so I recommend using glass.
Vitality Drops* ~ infused with essential oils and electrolytes
Citrus Fresh™ Vitality
Grapefruit Vitality
Lemon Vitality ~ add to water for a great taste and natural liver cleanser, add to empty NingXia Red bottles and fill with water for at-home water storage
Di-Gize Vitality ~ for when you’re unsure of water purity, soothing to the digestive system, helpful if you get food poisoning
Clean Air
Did you know that the air inside you home can be worse than the air outside? Due to toxic chemical cleaners, candles, wall plug-ins, air fresheners, mold, and other pathogens, the air in your home could be making you sick. On top of that, the unavoidable odors of kids stinky feet, the cat’s littler box or the baby’s dirty diaper isn’t pleasant either.
The solution … diffusing essential oils!
AND getting rid of any toxic chemicals!!!
Here are my three favorite oils to diffuse when I’m trying to “clean up the air” in my home and get rid of unwanted odors.
Citrus Fresh™ Vitality ~ fresh and clean smell
Purification ~ deodorizes and purifies
Thieves® Vitality ~ kills icky stuff floating around in the air
Clean Food
Who wants to be eating produce with pesticides and herbicides and wax on them? Not me! After all, why would you want that stuff in your body. But guess what, all those things repel water because they are oil-based. So washing them with just tap water really doesn’t do much. That’s why I use the Thieves Fruit & Veggie Was.
Thieves Fruit & Veggie Wash (comes in large bottle or pray for on the go)
Lemon ~ cleansing, refreshing, adds a slight citrus flavor
Thieves ~ cleansing, adds a slight cinnamon and clove flavor
Digest Right
No matter how good you clean your food, you just never know what goes on behind the closed doors of a restaurant kitchen. For this reason, I keep DiGize with me. It’s the #1 oil blend I take traveling, especially in foreign countries. I’ve been on trips where the entire team got sick and we all ate the same thing, but I use my DiGize and kicked a stomach bug to the curb. I like taking DiGige Vitality in a capsule every 4 hours when I feel an upset stomach and it works wonders to support the digestive system.
Di-Gize Vitality ~ food poisoning, upset stomach, indigestion, gas, bloating
Cinnamon Bark Vitality™ ~ protects against worms & ulcers
Copaiba Vitality ~ supports slight inflammatory response, ulsers, colitis and more
Lemon Vitality ~ anti-parasitic & tastes good
Lemongrass Vitality ~ kills salmonella
Oregano Vitality ~ has anti-viral properties and supports over all immune system and digestive health
AromaEase ~ nasua, upset stomach
Stay Cool
Prolonged exposure to heat and sun can effect overall body temperature and may lead to heatstroke. Be sure to drink enough water to compensate for sweating and physical exertion. Adding Vitality oils to your water can be an added benefit, as well as applying oils topically. The two I recommend most for staying cool are:
Peppermint ~ applied to the ack of the neck and on the feet, plus inhlaing
Peppermint Vitality ~ add 1-2 drops to 12 ounces of water
Lemon Vitality ~ add 1-2 drops to 12 ounces of water
Skin/Hair Care
Why use chemical-laden shampoo, conditioner and body lotion when you know it effects the entire body? Beyond the items listed below, I highly recommend implementing the “ditch and switch” method of getting rid of any and all chemicals in your personal care products and switching over to Young Living’s all natural alternatives. You will have access to an entire line of shampoo/conditioner, body lotion, facial care, natural makeup, and more.
Clove Vitality ~ lice
Copaiba Vitality ~ Psoriasis & bug bites
Frankincense Vitality ~ growths & fine lines and wrinkles
Lavender Vitality ~ sunburns & burns & minor cuts and scrapes
Tea Tree ~ keep the bugs away, minor open sores
Melrose ~ cuts, scrapes, burns & bruising
Sleep Well
Lavender Vitality ~ calming, relaxing, enhances sleep
Cedarwood ~ Releases natural melatonin
EndoFlex™ Vitality ~ supports adrenals and endocrine system
Stay Healthy
As you’re assessing your First Aid Kit, your home environment and overall health, here are a few overall oils and blends I recommend. They are extremely versatile, as you have probably seen them in other categories above, although they stand alone in their ability to support overall health maintenance.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Prevention is a key element to wellness. Being prepared and having what you need on hand for more serious issues and emergencies should be the norm. Both are vitally important to your overall wellness and that of your family and loved ones. I always recommend having enough stock for yourself and to share. You just never know when a friend or loved one will be in need, and that’s not the time to be placing a drop-ship order. Consider keeping these key oils and blends on hand and using them as needed in a preventative manner.
Thieves Vitality
Cinnamon Bark Vitality
Frankincense Vitality (Immune system)
Northern Lights Black Spruce
Oregano Vitality ~ all over body health & antioxidant
I hope this blog was helpful for you! Please feel free to share it.
If you need help placing an order or getting a wholesale account with Young Living Essential Oils, please contact me at 833-357-5777. I’d love to be your go-to gal. I’ve been a natural health coach for 14 year and have used the Young Living product line for 27 years. It has been a pleasure to work with over 1,000 customers all around the world have greater health and vitality.
All of the oils mentioned above (except the ones with a *) can be found in the Select 30™ Oil Collection. If purchased individually at the regular price you’d pay $842. When purchased as a part of this kit you only pay $401.75. This is a full supply of the 30 most used single oils and blends. Plus, you get the amazing carrying case.
AND, if you do not yet have a wholesale account with Young Living, then you will be gaining instant access to myself as your vary own wellness coach. I offer weekly educational classes, blogs and podcasts, in person education and phone consultations. All this comes FREE of charge if you use my personal member number 992365 when you check out.
You can call me at 833-357-5777 or simply visit my website HERE to order this kit and other products.
Let’s be in touch, and I look forward to hearing about your life adventures and being a support to you along your health journey.
Elizabeth Rose