How To Host A Make-N-Take Event

Are you looking to gather friends, family, neighbors, and team members to a fun gathering?

As you probably have experienced, not everyone enjoys attending a “class”. However, most folks enjoy making homemade gifts they can use or gift to loved ones. The extra special ingredient in all of the recipes shared are our beloved essential oils from the company Young Living Essential Oils. It is so much fun sharing the benefits of essential oils with family and friends as we are making the recipes in person. The gatherings oftentimes turn into folks sharing testimonies of what oils they have used and their benefits. It’s a great way for education to be shared in an uplifting, party type of setting.

On Wednesday Wisdom this week, I shared many of the tips that have helped me create memorable Make-N-Take events over the years. I’ve learned a lot through trial and error. You know, all those oopsie moments that you wish you could forget? However, they make us better people, right? And in the end we can share our wisdom with others.

The graphics below are a compilation of recipes and suggestions that will help you as you’re planning your event. The video above is from our 10/9/2024 Wednesday Wisdom zoom gathering.

Wishing you all the best with your event!

ENJOY . . .

Ready . . . Set . . . Go!!!

Now you’re ready to plan your gathering. I’d love to hear how it goes. You can email me at or call my office number 833-357-5777 with a testimony of your gathering or with any questions.

For a PDF download of the above graphics, click HERE.

Wishing you all the best!


Elizabeth Rose


Valentine’s Day Pampering Ideas with Essential Oils


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