Receive Maximum Savings With YL’s October Promotions And Sale
Now is the perfect time to discover all the ways you can save BIG in the month of October!
We all LOVE savings, right?! Especially when they help us prepare for the holidays.
I know, you may be thinking, “It’s just too early to start thinking about Christmas!” But I want to share a little secret with you.
Over the past 5 years, I’ve come up with the perfect method of maximizing savings. One thing I do is start out with filling in my Gift List. Here’s a sample one below. You’re welcome to save this graphic, print it out and fill in the blanks.
Now I’m going to show you how to maximize your savings.
As a Young Living Customer you get wholesale pricing. This is 24% off the retail price.
Join the Loyalty Rewards Program to earn 10-25% off the PV of your order in reward points. You can use these points at any time to purchase products. Your first three consecutive months you earn 10% back, months 4-24 you earn 20% back, and starting month 25 you earn 25% of the PV of your loyalty orders in reward points.
When your order reaches the 190PV, 250PV and 300PV amount then Young Living will automatically add their Gift With Purchase items to your box. (In the Month of October, Loyalty Reward members also receive a gift at the 100PV amount.)
Purchase Loyalty Reward bundles, such as the NingXia Rewards Bundle
Purchase Holiday Bundles from the Holiday Catalog (coming soon)
What shopping mall or clothing boutique do you know that takes such extravagant care of their shoppers? PLUS, during Young Living’s flash sales, you can receive even greater savings on select products!
October Sale
October 17-24
Products and details will be released Sunday October 17th at 7pm EST. Visit for full details.
October Gift With Purchase Promos
Now that you know the 5 main ways to save, here are the details of October’s Gift With Purchase. If you’ve never tried these products, you’re in for a great surprise. If you already have them and need a few new tips, here you go!
Can you see yourself adding these products to your health regimen? I have certainly enjoyed using them over the years. MultiGreens is one of the products that I take daily and I can feel the energy support it gives me.
When your YL order reaches the 190PV, 250PV or 300PV amounts Young Living just keeps adding gifts to your box. Here are the PV levels correlating to which products you will be gifted.
I hope this blog is helpful. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about ordering, getting your holiday shopping list filled out, or helping your friends get started with their own Young Living wholesale account. You can call me at 833-357-5777.
I look forward to connecting with you and being a support to you along your health journey.
Elizabeth Rose